The Madariaga - College of Europe Foundation is dedicated to promoting original thinking on the role of the European Union in an era of global change, engaging citizens and international partners in a creative debate on the issues that shape Europe’s future. Through research and action, the Foundation pursues a three-fold mission of challenging the citizen, empowering Europe, and preventing conflict.
The Foundation’s activities are supported by research and articles published in the form of a Madariaga Paper and regular events, seminars and lunch-time debates, the Citizen's Controversies.
The Foundation bears the name of the founder of the College of Europe: Spanish writer, minister in the Spanish Republican government, historian, diplomat and philosopher Salvador de Madariaga (1886-1978).
The Foundation is presided over by Javier Solana. Jean-Luc Dehaene presides over the Foundation’s Executive Committee and Pierre Defraigne is Executive Director.